Public Events

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Public Lecture: Past Scents of the Perfumer's Garden (Sean Coughlin)
5:00 pm17:00

Public Lecture: Past Scents of the Perfumer's Garden (Sean Coughlin)

Sean Coughlin will deliver a public lecture to the Czech Association of Aromatherapists.


At this workshop, we will talk about the myths and stories of scented materials in the Ancient Mediterranean by plunging into one of the first cross-cultural perfumes of the Greco-Egyptian world: the Metopion. We will smell, touch and taste the difference between the raw ingredients used in the past and the ingredients of perfumery today: bitter almond, cardamom, galbanum, myrrh, calamus and more.

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Public Lecture: Past Scent's of the Perfumer's Garden (Sean Coughlin)
9:30 am09:30

Public Lecture: Past Scent's of the Perfumer's Garden (Sean Coughlin)

  • Kabinet pro klasická studia Filosofického ústavu AV ČR, v. v. i. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

As part of the XXXI Summer School of Classical Studies: Olive, Vine, Laurel in the Cultural Landscape of the Ancient World, Sean Coughlin presents a public lecture on “Past Scents of the Perfumer’s Garden”.


At this workshop, we will talk about the myths and stories of scented materials in the Ancient Mediterranean by plunging into one of the first cross-cultural perfumes of the Greco-Egyptian world: the Metopion. You will smell, touch and taste the difference between the raw ingredients used in the past and the ingredients of perfumery today: bitter almond, cardamom, galbanum, myrrh, calamus, and, of course, the olive.

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International Archaeology Day
10:00 am10:00

International Archaeology Day

For International Archaeology Day on Saturday 15 October, Julie Machatová, Diana Míčková and Klára Hlaváčková have put together a tour through the world of Greco-Egyptian scents. Smell cinnamon, galbanum, myrrh, calamus and labdanum and learn how they were used in perfumes of the past. Click the link in bio for more details.

MEZINÁRODNÍ DEN ARCHEOLOGIE s vůněmi starověku na Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy
Program 👉
15. 10. v areálu Karolina, Celetná 20, Praha

Jak voní puškvorec, kardamon nebo galbanum? Jak a z čeho lidé ve starověku získávali vonné esence? Které ze starověkých ingrediencí se při výrobě parfémů používají dodnes? A z jakých archeologických pramenů se o tom dozvídáme?

Zjistíte na stánku našeho originálního projektu Alchymie vůní Alchemies of Scent, zaměřeného na experimentální rekonstrukci starověkých řecko-egyptských parfémů.

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Alchymie vůní a zrození Myrhy | Alchemies of Scent and the Birth of Myrrh.
8:30 pm20:30

Alchymie vůní a zrození Myrhy | Alchemies of Scent and the Birth of Myrrh.


Alchymie vůní a zrození Myrhy.

Dramatizací mytologického příběhu. Scénář a dramaturgie: Eliška Šolcová, Klára Metge.


Alchemies of Scent and the Birth of Myrrh.

Dramatization of the myth of Myrrha. Script and dramaturgy by Eliška Šolcová, Klára Metge.

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Stars of Philosophy (Performance and Talk)
9:00 pm21:00

Stars of Philosophy (Performance and Talk)


Alchymie vůní a zrození Myrhy.

Představení originálního projektu Seana Coughlina spojené s dramatizací mytologického příběhu. Scénář a dramaturgie: Eliška Šolcová, Klára Metge.


The Alchemy of Scent and the Birth of Myrrh.

An introduction to Sean Coughlin’s research group and dramatization of the myth of Myrrha. Script and dramaturgy by Eliška Šolcová, Klára Metge.

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Alchemies of Scent and Perfumes (not only) in the Time of Cleopatra | Alchymie Vůnía a Parfémy (Nejen) za Časů Kleopatry
8:00 pm20:00

Alchemies of Scent and Perfumes (not only) in the Time of Cleopatra | Alchymie Vůnía a Parfémy (Nejen) za Časů Kleopatry

Over the next five years, the Alchemies of Scent team of philosophers and historians of science, Egyptologists, philologists, botanists, and organic chemists will use modern experimental techniques to replicate the recipes of five Greco-Egyptian perfumes from the time of Alexander the Great and Cleopatra VII….

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